Find your ancestors in Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907


Do you have ancestry in the Queensland criminal system?

The Queensland Criminal Reports is a compilation of criminal cases, with a total of 232 cases listed in this volume. They cover everything from conspiracy, escapes, explosives, forgery, insolvency, intoxication, murder, neglect, schoolmasters, stealing, and wounding unlawfully, and much more.

Full details of each trial are included - right down to names of the solicitors for both parties. It makes for fascinating reading, and a wonderful historical account.

The criminal cases were reported in the following:

  • The Supreme Court Reports Vol. 1-8 (1860-1881)
  • The Queensland Law Journal and Notes of Cases Vol. I-XII (1881-1901)
  • The Queensland State Reports and Weekly Notes (1902-1907)

If you're searching your family history and have ancestors from Queensland, this is a great genealogy tool for building your family tree.