Find your ancestors in New South Wales, Sydney PO Directory 1857 (Cox)


Do you have Sydney ancestry?

This was the second year of publication and appeared "under the special patronage of Her Majesty's Postmaster-General, who, fully recognising the necessity both of the existence and accuracy of such a work as the present, has allowed the various Letter-Carriers of the General Post Office to collect the information which now appears in our pages." It's an invaluable genealogy tool for anyone searching their family history or building a family tree.

The directory is arranged as follows:

  • Sydney Street Directory

  • Sydney Alphabetical Directory

  • Trades Directory

  • Commercial Directory

  • Law Directory

  • Government and Official Directory

  • Ecclesiastical Establishments

  • Charitable Institutions and Public Boards

  • Complete Compendium of Postal Arrangements throughout the Colony

Includes numerous advertisements