Find your ancestors in New South Wales Country Trades Register 1898


Do you have New South Wales ancestry?

A wonderful guide, this is effectively a yellow pages of New South Wales country towns over a century ago. Listing over 800 towns alphabetically, each item then lists the services the town offers together with the person/s in that occupation.

If you are looking for an upholsterer in Albury, you should contact Thomas J. Delany, or John Ivers at Cheesman’s Creek if you’re looking for a carrier in that region. You’ll also find out who all the local butchers, bakers, tailors, music teachers, sawmillers, hoteliers, physicians, tea agents, machinists, grocers, general store owners, contractors, architects, tinsmiths, hairdressers, watchmakers, auctioneers are, and hundreds more occupations.

This is a unique for anyone with an interest in the social history of New South Wales country towns, and an invaluable genealogy tool for anyone searching their family history or building a family tree.