Find your ancestors in Scotland, Perthshire, Inhabitants of the Burgh of Perth 1766

Discover your Scottish ancestry with this list of inhabitants of the Burgh of Perth in 1766. The inhabitants list was taken by the magistrates on 19 March 1766 and the following days. This early census recorded the names of the heads of the household and then noted certain facts about the others in the house; such as age or religion.

The original inhabitants list was housed at the National Records of Scotland and transcribed by The Scottish Genealogy Society.

The list contained all the following fields, but it was not necessary for all households to complete each field. For example, not all houses had boarders or servants. Your search result may provide you with the following information about your ancestor and your ancestor’s household:

  • Name
  • Year
  • Occupation
  • Town
  • County and country
  • Burgh quarter - the burgh was divided into four quarters
  • Cesession church – a number next to this field denotes the number of inhabitants in the household who were members of that church.
  • Episcopal – a number next to this field denotes the number of inhabitants in the household who were members of that church.
  • Established church – a number next to this field denotes the number of inhabitants in the household who were members of that church.
  • Heads of families
  • Status
  • Number
  • Boarders and lodgers
  • Independent
  • Males under 15
  • Males 15 plus
  • Male servants
  • Females under 15
  • Females 15 plus
  • Woman servants