Find your ancestors in Boyd's inhabitants of London & family units, 1200-1946

Boyd's inhabitants of London

Boyd's inhabitants of London is a cornerstone resource for family historians thanks to the sheer range of geographic region and lengthy time periods covered. Despite the title of "London," many regions and families are covered well beyond the city lines.

About Boyd's inhabitants of London and Family Units

Boyd's Inhabitants of London and Boyd's Family Units is a comprehensive collection of about 70,000 handwritten sheets with details of an individual London family. Most of the sheets date from the 16th to 18th centuries, although select records reach back to the 13th century up until the 20th century.

Boyd's Family Units was designed to continue the work achieved for the separate collection of 60,000 Inhabitants of London. This round surveyed a wider range of geographical area. About one third of the 10,000 Family Units sheets cover families in London, so the two collections are combined into one index encompassing more than one half of 1 million people.

The Family Units sheets can be based on a man from almost anywhere in the world, but who had close links to Britain. There are many families for the USA, from all parts of the British Isles – Scotland and Ireland as well as all over England and Wales, and all over the former British Empire. Because of the wide geographic and long time period covered by these collections, they should be searched by every researcher whose family is linked to the UK, wherever the family settled.