Index to Register of Passport Applications 1851-1903

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Discover if your ancestors applied for a passport during the second half of the 19th century.

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What can these records tell me?

If your search for a British relative has suddenly reached a dead end it could be because they have travelled overseas. These records could be an indication that you need to broaden your search.

Each record is a transcript.

The amount of information listed varies, but the Index to Register of Passport Applications 1851-1903 records usually include the following information about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Passport number
  • Date passport was issued
  • Any observations noted during the application

Discover More about Index to Register of Passport Applications 1851-1903

These records will allow you to discover if your ancestor wished to travel overseas. The original records are held by The National Archives, in series FO 611 - Foreign Office: Chief clerk's department and passport office: passport registers indexes of names.

There are approximately 360,000 men and women recorded on the Index to Register of Passport Applications 1851-1903 register.

Do remember that passports were not obligatory for travel before 1914, but indicated that the bearer could travel “without hindrance” – so your ancestor could still have emigrated without one.