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Discover details about your ancestor’s transatlantic migration from the late 1500s to the early 1900s.
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Learn about your migrating ancestors from England, Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, and France. Discover details about their migration to Canada and the United States from the late 1500s up to the early 1900s.
One of the founders of Norwalk, Connecticut, Thomas Fitch, is listed in Immigrant Ancestors Before 1750. He is also the ancestor of one of the governors of the Connecticut Colony, Thomas Fitch IV. From this publication, we learn that Thomas Fitch came from England and settled Norwalk around 1651. He is noted as one of the wealthiest men in the colony. His first marriage was to Anna Stacie (Stacey) in 1632, and his second marriage was to Ruth Clark.
Each result will provide you with a transcript and image of the source material. Details that may be included on the transcripts include
First name(s)
Last name
Migration year
Residence year
Principal’s first name(s)
Principal’s last name
Spouse’s first name(s)
Spouse’s last name
Father’s first name(s)
Father’s last name
Mother’s first name(s)
Mother’s last name
Event type
Event year
Images may offer additional details including occupations, relatives, and other biographical information.
Titles included in this collection
There are 46 titles included in this collection.
A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to U.S.A.
Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775 (1st edition)
Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775 (2nd edition)
Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830, volume 1
Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830, volume 2
Dutch Colonists in the Americas, 1615-1815
Early New York Naturalizations, 1792-1840
Emigrants to America: Indentured Servants recruited in London, 1718-1733
Erin's Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada 1749-1863, volume 4
Erin's Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada, 1751-1858, volume 3
Erin's Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada, 1761-1853, volume 1
Erin's Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada, 1761-1853, volume 2
German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1847-1854
German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1855-1862
Immigrant Ancestors Before 1750
Immigrants to New England, 1700-1775
Irish Emigrants in North America, 1670-1830, part 6
Irish Emigrants in North America, 1670-1830, part 7
Irish Emigrants in North America, 1670-1830, parts 1 to 3
Irish Emigrants in North America, 1775-1825, parts 4 & 5
Irish Emigration Lists, 1833-1839
More Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775
More Scottish Settlers, 1667-1827
New World Immigrants: a Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists & Associated Data from Periodical Literature, volume 1
New World Immigrants: a Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists & Associated Data from Periodical Literature, volume 2
Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867, volume 1
Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867, volume 2
Passengers from Ireland, 1810-1817
Scots in the American West, 1783-1883
Scots in the Mid-Atlantic Colonies, 1635-1783
Scots in the Mid-Atlantic States, 1783-1883
Scots in the USA & Canada, 1825-1875, part 1
Scots in the USA & Canada, 1825-1875, part 2
Scots in the USA & Canada, 1825-1875, part 3
Scots in the USA & Canada, 1825-1875, part 4
Scots in the USA & Canada, 1825-1875, part 5
Scots in the West Indies, 1707-1857, volume 1
Scots in the West Indies, 1707-1857, volume 2
Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725, parts 1 & 2
Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: Argyll
Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: Highland Perthshire
Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: Inverness-shire
Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: Northern Highlands
Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: Northern Isles
Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, part 3
Some Emigrants to Virginia, 2nd edition
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