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Manchester, Peterloo Witnesses and Casualties, 1819
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Discover if your English ancestor witnessed or was injured during the Peterloo Massacre which occurred on 16 August 1819 at St Peter’s Field, Manchester. The records show whether a person was injured and how; such as, “right elbow and head cut severely”. It also includes witness statements like, “saw constables hitting [John] Lees with truncheons and a broken flagpole. The records were created from the www.peterloomassacre.org database by Peter Castree.
Each record includes a transcript of the vital information about the individual and their involvement at Peterloo. The amount of information you can find can vary, but most transcripts will include:
The Peterloo Massacre occurred on 16 August 1819 at St Peter’s Field, Manchester. Up to 80,000 people from across North-West England had gathered to demand parliamentary representation reform. The demonstration was organised by the Manchester Patriotic Union and the lead speaker was Henry Hunt.
Once the crowd had gathered and speeches began the magistrates called the Manchester and Salford Yeomanry to arrest Henry Hunt. The Yeomanry charged the unarmed crowd resulting in the deaths of at least 11 people and between 400 and 700 people injured.
In response to the events, The Prince Regent congratulated the cavalry and the government’s response was to pass the Six Acts which reduced free speech, made newspapers more expensive, restricted public meetings, and gave authorities more powers to search private properties.
The records were created from the www.peterloomassacre.org database by Peter Castree.
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