Macloskie's Directory of Fermanagh 1848

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MacLoskie's Directory Of Fermanagh 1848

This directory is exceptionally rare, and was published at the height of the Famine in 1848. It is the only specific Fermanagh directory published before 1900 and includes a detailed description of the county, its history and topography. But for researchers the most useful component of this resource are the sections which focus on the people of the county. These include lists of administrative officials, judges, police and court officers, doctors and the medical profession. The towns and villages of Enniskillen, Lisnaskea, Brookeborough, Maguiresbridge, Lowtherstown, Newtownbutler, Pettigo, Derrgonnelly, Belleek and Garrison also receive a full directory. These list:

  • nobility and gentry
  • clergy and church officials
  • professionals
  • tradesmen
  • schools and colleges
  • transport
  • commissioners