Hampshire, Portsmouth Trade Directories 1863-1927

Search Hampshire, Portsmouth Trade Directories 1861-1927

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Explore this collection of trade directories for Portsmouth, Hampshire. Discover your ancestor’s address and occupation. Find the names of large companies, banks, tradesmen to small local businesses.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes an original image of the trade directory. The amount of information will vary depending on each directory, you maybe able to find a combination of the following:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company name
  • Occupation
  • Address

Discover more about these records

Explore dozens of trade directories which record the businesses and trades people in the port city of Portsmouth.

Trade directories are an excellent resource for anyone researching their family history and want to understand more about their ancestor’s life. They provide insights into local business owners, trades people, civil servants, church leaders, school teachers and much more.

A large part of this collection comprises of Kelly’s directories, one of the most well-known publishers of directories. The founder was Frederic Festus Kelly, once the chief inspector of letter-carriers for the general post office. While chief inspector, he took over the publication of the London post office directory. He founded Kelly & Co and expanded the company over the decades that followed. They produced directories for many counties around the United Kingdom and continued to buy other publishers of directories. In 1897, Kelly & Co. became Kelly Inc. and continued to create directories until the 1970s.

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