Derbyshire Hospital Admissions and Deaths 1855-1913

Search Derbyshire hospital admissions and deaths 1855-1913

In partnership with
The Family History Federation

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Discover your East Midlands ancestor in either admission records from Victoria Memorial Cottage Hospital or your ancestor’s death record from the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary. In the records you will find your ancestor’s age, residence, reason for admittance to the hospital, admission date and whether he/she was cured, operated on or died. Use the keyword field to search by cause of death or residence. This collection is published in partnership with Derbyshire Family History Society and the Family History Federation.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript created from either Victoria Memorial Cottage Hospital, Ashbourne admission registers 1899 to 1913 or Derbyshire Royal Infirmary death records from 1854 to 1912. The detail in each transcript will vary depending on the original record. Most transcripts will include a combination of the following information:

  • Name
  • Sex
  • Birth year
  • Age
  • Residence
  • Rank or profession
  • Marital status
  • Admission date
  • Cause of admission
  • Disease
  • Condition - this field is particularly for the Victoria Memorial Cottage Hospital admission records and explains the condition of the patient after he/she has been admitted such as cured, operation, transferred or more.
  • Duration of stay
  • Discharge date
  • Death date

Discover more about these records

The Derbyshire Hospital Admission and Deaths records come from two sources: Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Deaths 1892 – 1912 and Victoria Memorial Cottage Hospital, Ashbourne Admissions 1899 – 1913. The records have been transcribed by Ancestral Archives of Derbyshire. Derbyshire is located in England’s East Midlands.

The Victoria Memorial Cottage Hospital was opened in Ashbourne in 1899. The hospital was in operation for 65 years until it was closed in 1964. The hospital admission records include your ancestor’s admission date, reason for admission, condition after admission and date of discharge.

In the records we find William Baker, 62 years old from Rocester was admitted to Victoria Memorial Cottage Hospital on 6 January 1903 with an injury to his ribs ‘through fall on roof of new hospital.’ William was cured and discharged four days later on 10 January 1903. In 1903, Victoria Memorial moved to a new building in Buxton Road. It is likely that William was working on the new hospital building when the injury occurred.

The Derbyshire Royal Infirmary was first built in 1810. The hospital sustained a typhoid outbreak in 1890. The hospital’s design was to blame and it was restructured over the next three years. Queen Victoria laid the foundation stone for the new hospital in 1894. The hospital stayed in operation for over 100 years, until it closed in 2009.

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