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Search through 99,098 occupational records of The Company of Watermen and Lightermen for the period 1688-2010. The collection includes records from the Corporation of Trinity House, Thomas Doggett coat and badge race and binding and reassignment records from The Company.
This collection comprises the following records:
82,238 records of apprentice binding books, which include details of each apprentice's binding to his master.
A list of apprentices who were reassigned from one master to another 12,410 records, including information about both masters and apprentices.
A record of all known competitors who rowed in the annual Thomas Doggett Coat & Badge race 1715-2010 4,402 records.
A register of licences granted to ex-mariners to work as watermen on the River Thames 1829-1864 90 records.
These records are licensed from local specialist Rob Cottrell.
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