Queensland Public Service

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Do you have ancestry in the Queensland Public Service?

This database of 65,369 entries lists the name, present office, location, date of birth, date of initial appointment, and the date, page and Volume reference in the Queensland Government Gazette (or Blue

Book for 1870-1879) for officers employed in the various departments of the Queensland Civil and Public Service between 1864 and 1948.

Lists indexed include Civil Service from:

  • Queensland Government Gazette - 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895 and 1896
  • Queensland Blue Book Public Service - 1870, 1872, 1873 and 1879
  • Queensland Government Gazette - 1897-1917, 1920, 1924-1930 and 1948

Lists could not be located in the Queensland Government Gazette for 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, or 1931-1947. The Blue Book entries in this database have been compiled from the index to the published lists as have the 1924, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1929 public service entries. All other entries have been indexed directly from the actual lists.

Further information provided in the Gazette/Blue Book may include the salary (and various allowances), the date from which the salary was received, the date of appointment to present office, and whether under Public Service Acts or excluded from Acts. Qualifications, where appropriate are also recorded. Many entries provide additional information about the officer in footnotes - some explaining the allowances received (for example, Mileage allowance for use of own motor car (9d. per mile)) and others relating to previous positions held.

In regard to Date of Appointment, the lists typically give several dates for each person: the date from which salary was received; date of first appointment or re-appointment as recognised for long service

privileges; date of appointment as an officer of the public service; date of appointment to present office; and date of appointment to an office carrying present maximum salary. For the purposes of this index the earliest of these dates has been taken as the 'date of first appointment' since it will best indicate the length of time the person has been employed; other dates can be found in the original


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