New Zealand Civil Establishment Nominal Roll 1871

Search New Zealand Civil Establishment Nominal Roll 1871

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Learn more about your ancestor’s employment in the civil service of New Zealand. Gain insights into their working lives by uncovering details such as their job title, pay rate and length of service in the New Zealand government.

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What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript. The amount of information listed varies, but the New Zealand Civil Establishment Nominal Roll 1871 usually includes the following information about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Job title
  • Office in which they worked
  • Length of service
  • Rate of pay
  • Other comments may vary

Discover more about New Zealand Civil Establishment Nominal Roll 1871

This is an index of roughly 2,120 staff who worked for the New Zealand government as of 1 July 1871. It covers a vast range of different occupations, including clerks, postmasters, crown solicitors, registrars, paymasters, draughtsmen, coroners, telegraphists and many more.

The information was sourced from a report to the New Zealand House of Representatives concerning these workers’ details of employment, including job title, salary and years of service.