Electrical Engineering Apprentices & Trainees, 1902-1934

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Discover whether your ancestor was one of the thousands of electrical engineering apprentices who passed through the Manchester-based Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Ltd's training centre in the early twentieth century. Learn personal details from your ancestor's company records and understand more about the work they did and life that they would have led.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

The amount of information listed varies, but The Electrical Engineering Apprentices & Trainees records usually include the following information about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Dates of apprenticeship or training
  • Type of apprenticeship
  • Whether deceased by 1935
  • Cause of death

Discover more details about The Electrical Engineering Apprentices & Trainees records

You can search for ancestors who may have trained with the electrical engineering company Metropolitan-Vickers at Trafford Park, Manchester between 1902 and 1934. The records list 4,756 ex-apprentices and trainees. Many lived in Manchester and the surrounding area, but a significant number were based overseas, showing the company's worldwide reach.

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Ltd was formed in 1919 from the former British Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of the American Westinghouse Corporation. British Westinghouse had commenced manufacturing operations at Trafford Park, Manchester in 1902.

Metropolitan-Vickers specialised in heavy electrical engineering but during its history it produced products as diverse as aero engines and the first transistor-based computer.

The first edition of A Register of Ex-Apprentices and Ex-Trainees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Limited was published in 1935.

The register was compiled from company records and supplemented with information from a survey that drew responses from about 70 per cent of the ex-apprentices and trainees

What do the records look like?

These records are transcriptions of the original register of Metropolitan-Vickers apprentices and trainees, published in 1935.

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