Devon, Land Tax and Valuation Records

Search Devon, Land Tax and Valuation Records

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Did your ancestors own or occupy land in Devon? These extensive land records allow you to search by the name of the person who owned the land or by the name of the person who occupied the land, and in some cases, a person may have been both.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript and original image of the record where available. The amount of information in each record can vary depending on the register type but most will include the following.

  • Name
  • Role – owner, occupier or owner/occupier
  • Year
  • Event type
  • Years – this gives you the year or year range that these events were recorded
  • Owner or occupier’s name
  • Place and county
  • Archive and reference


The image will give you further descriptions of your ancestor’s property. With this information, you can discover more about your ancestor and their lifestyle. In the image, you may find

  • A description of the property, for example, if the property was used as an inn, public house, cottage,

orchard, etc.

  • The street and precise location of the property
  • The poor rate paid on the property
  • The size and gross value of the property

Discover more about these records

This collection of land tax and valuation records comes from the Devon Record Office and the Plymouth & West Devon Record Office. The records will provide you with a location of your ancestor’s home as well as a description. Discover if your ancestors owned a public house or if they lived on an orchard. The records also give you the value of the land. This was used to determine the rate of tax and poor rate to be paid to the local parish or borough.