Limerick City & County Electoral Registers 1761, 1768 & 1776

Search Limerick City & County Electoral Registers 1761, 1768 & 1776

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Find out if your ancestor was a registered voter in the county of city of Limerick in the 18th Century.

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What can these records tell me?

Each record will tell you the following information about the voter

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Year
  • Residence
  • Freehold property location [which entitled them to vote]
  • Place
  • Voted for [the initials given are described below]
  • Source [the printed list]
  • Archive Ref
  • Archive

Discover more about these records

These three Electoral registers record who voted in county Limerick in the elections in 1761, 1768 and 1776, and who they voted for. Limerick county was entitled to return 2 MPs to the Parliament which met in Dublin. Entitlement to vote was based on strict criteria and limited. Voting was restricted to adult men who also possessed freehold property to the value of £2 per annum or were freemen of the city of Limerick.

The candidates for the three elections were (the abbreviations in the “voted for” field designate the surname of the candidate that the elector voted for) -

There are no candidate names recorded for 1760.

1768: Sir H. Harstonge bart.; Hugh Massy Esq; Silver Oliver Esq

1776: Right Honourable Silver Oliver; Sir Henry Hartstronge, bart.; Hugh Massy, the younger, Esq