Kent, Bromley Absent Voters List 1918

Search Kent, Bromley Absent Voters List 1918

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Did your ancestor from Bromley in Kent vote in 1918 while serving in the First World War? Discover your ancestor’s service number, rank, regiment and home address. Use your ancestor’s service number to search Findmypast’s extensive First World War record collection.

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With each result, you will view a transcript that includes a combination of the following information.

  • Name
  • Service number
  • Rank
  • Regiment/Unit
  • Service
  • Year
  • Address
  • Ward
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Description
  • Notes
  • Entry number

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The Kent, Bromley Absent Voters List 1918 is a valuable resource for anyone searching for their Kent ancestor during World War One. The list includes the names of those who were eligible to vote and were serving in the armed forces. All men over the age of 21 and women over the age of 30 could vote. Also, servicemen over the age of 19 were given the vote. The Bromley absent voters list includes the names of eight women. They were members of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corp or Army Service Corp.

Some of the records may include inaccuracies. The electoral information was collected quickly and sometimes haphazardly. Voter’s information was supplied by their next of kin and then sent to the Adjutant General’s Department of the War Office. The War Office arranged for the soldiers to receive voting cards and ballot papers where they were stationed so they could vote. This lead to some details being missed or recorded incorrectly.


Historically, Bromley was a market town, located on an important coach route. It is 12 miles from London. Bromley’s Royal Bell Hotel was mentioned in Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice. It became a borough in 1903 because of its increase in population. The town flourished due to its economic development and the opening of a railway station in 1858. Today, it forms part of the Great London area. The town gets its name from the broom, a yellow-flowered shrub that used to flourish in the area.

Bromley has a war memorial for those who died in both the First and Second World Wars. The memorial was designed and sculpted by Sydney March and is located on Martin’s Hill.