Glamorganshire, West Glamorgan Electoral Registers 1839-1925

Search Glamorganshire, West Glamorgan electoral registers 1839-1925

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Search for your ancestors in these electoral registers covering the Borough of Swansea from 1839 to 1925.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

This record set contains both parliamentary and local voters’ lists (electoral registers and burgess rolls) for the Borough of Swansea between 1839 and 1925.

The following information may be found in these records:

• Name of each individual entitled to vote

• Address – sometimes two different addresses are given, one being the actual place of abode of the person, and the other the property for which they are entitled to cast a vote

• Nature of qualification to vote

• Period during which they were entitled to vote

You will need to view the images to find full particulars, as the index is meant only as a basic finding aid enabling you to locate persons of interest.

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