Lower Canada Census 1842

Search Lower Canada census 1842

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Discover your ancestor in the 1842 census for Lower Canada.

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What can these records tell me?

Each search result will provide you will an image of the original document and a transcript. The original census returns were printed in French and English. The headings on the returns are as follows:

Left-hand side of census form

  • Number of BARLEY MILLS in every such place
  • Number of SAW MILLS in every such place
  • Number of OIL MILLS in every such place
  • Number of FULLING MILLS in every such place
  • Number of CARDING MILLS in every such place
  • Number of THRASHING MILLS in every such place
  • Number of PAPER MILLS in every such place
  • Number of IRON WORKS in every such place
  • Number of TRIP HAMMERS in every such place
  • Number of NAIL FACTORIES in every such place
  • The weight of NAILS so manufactured in such place
  • Number of DISTILLERIES in every such place
  • Number of TANNERIES in every such place
  • Number of POT and PEARL ASH MANUFACTORIES in each such place
  • Number of MANUFACTORIES of any other sort in every such place containing any MACHINERY moved by wind, water, steam or animal power, specifying the purposes to which such machinery is applied, and by what power it is moved
  • Average price of WHEAT in every such place since last harvest
  • Average price of AGRICULTURAL LABOR per day throughout the year

Right-hand side of census form

  • HOUSES inhabited
  • HOUSES vacant
  • HOUSES building
  • NAME of the head of each family
  • PROPRIETOR of real property
  • NON PROPRIETOR of real property
  • TENANT entitled to vote at any election in city, town, etc.
  • TOTAL number of INMATES in each family, male and female, now resident
  • NUMBER of persons belonging to the family, male or female, now temporarily absent

As you can see from the headings, images of the original census returns often can provide more details than the transcripts, which generally include only the following details:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Language
  • Occupation
  • Year
  • Number of inhabitants
  • Town
  • County
  • Province
  • Country
  • Batch number
  • Film number
  • Page

Discover more about these records

This census relates to the area of Lower Canada (modern-day Labrador and southern Quebec), which was a British colony from 1791 to 1841. Afterward, Lower Canada merged with Upper Canada, forming the Province of Canada. This province was later dissolved as the result of the Canadian Confederation of 1867, and the land was divided into the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.

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