London, Westminster Marylebone Census 1821 & 1831

Search London, Westminster Marylebone Census 1821 & 1831

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Did your ancestor live in the popular Marylebone area of London? Explore more than 22,500 census results to reveal your ancestor’s address and occupation, as well as the number of people living in the home.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Every record will give you a transcript and an image. The transcript will have basic details found in the records. The image will reveal even more about your ancestor’s life. The details provided in each transcript are as follows:

  • Last name
  • Year – this field will show either the census year 1821 or 1831
  • Address
  • Parish and place
  • Archive and folio number


These early nineteenth century census records did not record the same amount of information that we are familiar with today. However, the details that were recorded can reveal a lot about your ancestor’s home. You can discover your ancestor’s field of employment and how many servants were employed in the home, which would give an indication of your ancestor’s wealth.

On the images you will find the following.

  • Number of families occupying the house
  • Number of families employed in agriculture
  • Number of families employed in trade, manufacture and handicraft
  • Number of families not included in the previous two categories
  • Number of males and females in the house
  • Number of males occupied in agriculture, manufacturing, retail, banking or other professional capacities.
  • Number of males employed as household servants and the number of male household servants under the age of 20.
  • Number of females employed as household servants.

Discover more about these records

Marylebone grew up around the parish church of St Mary’s, which was built along the small stream Tyburn (or Tybourne). The parish became known as St Mary’s on the Bourne. However, some would pronounce it with a French flourish as St Mary la Bourne, which is how the area became known as Marylebone.

This chic and vibrant area of London is situated between Hyde Park to the South and Regent’s Park to the North. Since the 18th century, Marylebone has been a fashionable place to live. It has been the home of many famous artists, authors and musicians such as, T S Eliot, Cat Stephens, Madonna, Jimi Hendrix, Elizabeth Barret Browning and many more.

Famous houses of Marylebone

57 Wimpole Street – While living here, from 1964 to 1966 Paul McCartney wrote I Want To Hold Your Hand with John Lennon and the tune to Yesterday. From the 1831 census, we can learn about the house’s previous residents, the Dalling family. The household consisted of four females and four males. Two of the males were household servants. Another male, and most likely the head of the household, worked as a banker, merchant or some other professional.

Baker Street – This street became famous for being the fictional home of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s character, the private detective Sherlock Holmes, who resides at 221b Baker Street. The Marylebone censuses of 1821 and 1831 shows 300 results for residents of Baker Street. At this time, the street did not reach to house number 221. It was not extended until 1932.

1 Devonshire Terrace – The Marylebone census of 1831 shows this address as the home of Matthews. The address would become famous eight years later when it became the home of Charles Dickens and his family.

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