Search The 1939 Register

In partnership with
The National Archives

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    Find out what your ancestors were doing on the eve of WW2 by searching the 1939 Register on Findmypast, its official online home, in partnership with the National Archives. Discover exactly what they did for a living, maps of where they lived and even who their neighbours were. Or click on the address tab to search for your own address, or an address you know, to see who was living there in September 1939. Then you can put it all in context. Read newspaper articles and see photographs from the era.

    Learn about these records

    What can the 1939 Register tell me about my ancestor?

    Each record contains a transcript and an image of the original entry in the 1939 Register. Like a census, the Register can tell you a lot about how your ancestors actually lived. You can find out if your ancestors had servants or staff, who their neighbours were, how many children they had and what they all did for a living.

    What information can I expect to see in a record?

    Each person’s record contains:

    • Name
    • Full date of birth
    • Address
    • Marital status
    • Occupation

    Most people are recorded as a member of a household. Some people are recorded as a member of an institution. In this case, they are classified with one of 5 letters:

    • O – Officer
    • V – Visitor
    • S – Servant
    • P – Patient
    • I – Inmate

    What can I expect to find out about the occupation of my ancestor?

    You can find out very precise details about the occupation of your ancestor. If they were a

    farm worker, you can find out what kind of farm they worked on. If they worked in a factory, you can find out what the factory produced. You can find out whether your ancestor made the goods they sold, if they worked in a shop. If they worked in medicine or the law you can discover what branch they specialised in.

    The 1939 Register required people to explain exactly what they did. The notes that came with the form were very precise about how to note the occupation. General terms, often found on previous census documents, such as Foreman, Overseer, Doctor, Mill-hand, Porter or Farmer, were not acceptable. Instead, people were asked to be as specific as possible, giving details of the trade, manufacture or branch of a profession.

    What else does the transcript of a record contain?

    The transcript gives you the information from the record in an easy-to-read form. You can also see an image of the original handwritten record.

    On the transcript page, you can also find many additional materials to help you better understand the record:

    • Articles and photographs – Find out more about life in wartime Britain.
    • Archive newspaper reports – Get a feel for the period. You can look at more newspapers in our newspaper collection – see the Useful links section on this page.
    • Detailed maps – See the address as it was in earlier times and how it is now. Maps display a marker pin which, for over 70% of the records, indicates the address to street level. Where there is no marker pin, you see displayed the borough/district instead. There are 3 maps – 2 historic, and 1 modern:
    • Ordnance Survey 1888 – 1913. Scale: 6 inches to the mile
    • Ordnance Survey 1937-1961. Scale: 1 inch to 25,000 inches
    • Open Street map of the present day. You can zoom in and out of the maps and you can make them full screen too.

    What’s the historical significance of the 1939 Register?

    The 1939 Register is one of the most important twentieth century genealogical resources for England and Wales. The 1931 census was destroyed by fire. No census was taken in 1941 because of the war. So the 1939 register is the only national census-like resource available for this period.

    Once war became inevitable the British Government knew they had to issue National Identity cards. They planned for the wide-scale mobilisation of the population and the eventual introduction of rationing. The most recent census was now almost a decade old, so more up-to-date statistics were needed. Some preparations had already begun for the 1941 census, so the Government capitalised on this to take a register of the civilian population. They issued Identity cards immediately afterwards (which were used until 1952).

    The Government constantly updated and changed the 1939 Register over time to take account of changes of address or deaths. When they introduced rationing in 1941, they planned it with information from the 1939 Register. The 1939 Register eventually formed the basis of the NHS registration system.