1821 Devon, Dunsford, Cheriton Bishop & Tedburn St Mary Census

Search 1821 Devon, Dunsford, Cheriton Bishop & Tedburn St Mary Census

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Discover your English ancestry with these rare 1821 census records. The 1821 Census only recorded numerical details about parishes and the names of individuals, but some enumerators created their own nominal lists, few of those lists have survived. These rare records give you your ancestor’s name, age, occupation, and parish.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

The information in each record can vary, but many will include the following:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Marital status
  • Parish
  • Out of parish – whether the person was from another parish
  • Country

Discover more about these records

The 1821 Census was the third census of Great Britain. It recorded 14.4 million people on 28 May 1821. The enumerators were instructed to record the number of inhabitants, houses, uninhabited houses, age ranges and type of employment. Only the numerical recordings were required for the final submission; however, it was up to the enumerator how they obtained this information.

Only a small number of 1821 census lists detailing the names of individuals have survived. The original records are held at the Devon Heritage Centre. Only three Devon parishes are represented in this collection, Dunsford, Cheriton Bishop and Tedburn St Mary.

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