Louisiana, Orleans Parish Estate Files 1804-1846

Search Louisiana, Orleans Parish Estate Files 1804-1846

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Learn new details about your ancestors who lived and died in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, and its capital, New Orleans. Find out if they inherited any property and the year it was determined in court.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

There are more than 7,000 records in this collection, and each represents a probate court settlement for your ancestor. While the information for each person may vary, Louisiana, Orleans Parish Estate Files 1804-1846 typically includes:

  • First and last name
  • Year
  • Record type
  • Court name

Discover more about Louisiana, Orleans Parish Estate Files 1804-1846

New Orleans, located at the mouth of the Mississippi River on the Gulf of Mexico, is the capital of Orleans Parish and the largest city in the county. These probate records begin just a year after the United States acquired the massive Louisiana territory from France in 1803 and continue for the following four decades.

Use these records to discover important information about your family members that can help you to expand your genealogical research. Probate records are often full of details about your ancestors you may find surprising.

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Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.

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