Ireland Marriages 1619-1898

Search Ireland Marriages 1619 – 1898

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Discover the marriages of your Irish ancestors among more than 852,000 records dating from 1619 to 1898. Find out where and when the wedding took place and the name of both the bride’s and groom’s fathers.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record contains a transcript of original source material. The amount of information varies but you can find out the following about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Spouse’s name
  • Spouse’s age
  • Date of marriage
  • Place of marriage
  • Names of both the bride’s and groom’s fathers

Discover more about Ireland, Marriages, 1619 – 1898

There are 852,056 records. This is not intended to be a comprehensive record of every marriage in every parish in Ireland between the dates given. Different areas and years will have different coverage.

The material comes from a range of sources including civil, parish and court records.

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