Redland Bay Cemeteries Monumental Inscriptions

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Do you have ancestors buried in the Redland Bay area of Queensland? Discover your ancestors today through this unique resource. You will find where your relative is buried, date of his/her death and you may discover additional family names. To help guide you through the records review our ‘Discover more’ section and utilise our search tips.

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What can these records tell me?

The amount of information can vary depending on the type of monument and its age. The cemeteries comprise of a monumental section, columbarium wall, memorial rock and lawn burials.

  • Name
  • Death date
  • Age at death
  • Cause of death
  • Location of death
  • Inscription details
  • Relative’s name
  • Relation to relative

Discover More about the Redland Bay Cemeteries Monumental Inscriptions

Redland Bay is a township located at the southern end of Redland City facing Moreton Bay. The township is 31km from Brisbane, the capital of Queensland.

The collection was created by the Queensland Family History Society between 1996 and 1997. It comprises of inscriptions found in two cemeteries; the Redland Bay Cemetery, Gordon Road opened in 1907 and Redland Bay Historical Cemetery, Serpentine Creek Road opened in 1890 and closed in 1945. The Redland Bay Historical Cemetery is now a listed heritage site in Queensland. The majority of the entries within the collection are from the Gordon Road cemetery.

The collection is separated into the two cemeteries; pages 3-112 includes entries from the Redland Bay Cemetery, Gordon Road and pages 112-117 includes entries from the Redland Bay Historical Cemetery, Serpentine Creek Road. Then the entries are further divided by cemetery sections:

Redland Bay Cemetery, Gordon Road

Page 4: Preface – includes details about the inscriptions

Page 5: Map of the cemetery

Pages 6-21: Monumental inscriptions

Pages 22-68: Lawn Section

Pages 69- 81 Columbarium Walls

Pages 82-111 Index to monumental inscriptions

Redland Bay Historical Cemetery, Serpentine Creek Road

Page 113: Preface - includes details about the collection

Page 114: Map of the cemetery

Pages 115-116: Monumental Inscriptions (17 entries)

Pages 117: Index to Monumental Inscriptions

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