New South Wales, Macquarie Park Cemetery Transcriptions 1922-2001

Search New South Wales, Macquarie Park Cemetery Transcriptions 1922-2001

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What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript. The amount of information listed varies, but the New South Wales, Macquarie Park Cemetery Transcriptions 1922-2001 usually include the following information:

  • Name of deceased
  • Date of death
  • Age
  • Denomination
  • Their plot location in Macquarie Park Cemetery
  • The inscription on their headstone
  • A list of family members buried in the same plot (if any)

Discover more about these records

This collection is an index of headstone inscriptions from Macquarie Park cemetery in New South Wales.

Macquarie Park Cemetery is located in North Ryde, in north-western Sydney. Originally known as the Northern Suburbs General Cemetery, in 2004 it was renamed as Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium.

These transcriptions were collated by volunteers from the Society of Australian Genealogists. In addition to transcribing all 75,000 headstones and plaques in the cemetery, these volunteers sometimes supplemented details taken from the deceased person’s headstone with further information from relevant burial records.

© Society of Australian Genealogists.

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