Manchester and Oldham Burials

Search Manchester and Oldham Burials

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Learn about your relatives that were buried in the Greater Manchester area between 1573 and 1992. Search through the records in Manchester and Oldham Burials to learn the birth year, burial date, and residence at the time of death of your ancestor.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

There are over 250,000 transcripts in this record set. While the information available varies, most transcripts include the following:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Birth year
  • Death year
  • Age
  • Burial date
  • Residence
  • Church
  • Parish
  • County
  • Notes, which often include the individual grave number and occasionally the exact date of death.

Discover more about Manchester and Oldham Burials

Burial records provide vital evidence for your family history research, often providing more information than just burial dates. These records were provided by Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society, which was established in 1964. The society focuses its research on the Greater Manchester area.

There are 13 parishes represented in these records: Chadderton, Failsworth, Friarmere, Hey, Heyside, Hollinwood, Manchester, Moorside, Oldham, Royton, Saddleworth, Shaw, and Waterhead.


These records were sourced from Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society.

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