Ireland, Dublin Church of Ireland Burials

Search Ireland, Dublin Church of Ireland Burials 1619-1800

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Search this collection of the earliest Church of Ireland burials for Dublin, published by the Parish Register Society. The established church was responsible for all burials at this time, irrespective of denomination.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

The Established Church, while protestant, was responsible for the official graveyards and so these registers record those of all denominations who were buried in the city.

Each record includes a transcript and image of the publication this information was derived from. The amount of information varies in each register, you will generally find the following:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Burial year
  • Burial date
  • Residence
  • Parish
  • Place
  • County
  • Source information (Title, publisher, page, etc.)

Discover more about these records

These records open a window into the established Church of Ireland community in Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, and the second city of the British Empire. The population of Dublin city rose dramatically in the 18th century, from 47,000 in 1695 to 180,000 by 1798. The religious proportions also changed as well. At the earlier date the city was overwhelmingly (>80%) Church of Ireland. But as the population expanded and a growing number of people migrated from other parts of the country, the number of Catholics increased. By 1766, 40% of the city’s inhabitants were protestant, and by 1800 it was less than 30% conformist or of another protestant denomination.

What this tells us is that the city’s population was of mixed faith throughout most of its modern history. As a consequence, inter-faith marriages were quite common, and children from inter-faith marriages were also not unusual. That means researchers should expect to find multiple faiths in the family they are tracing and not assume continual adherence to any one denomination, no matter

how certain you might be! Consult the parish registers of all denominations.

The following registers published by the Parish Register Society are included:

  • The Registers of St. Catherine, Dublin, 1636-1715
  • The Registers of St. John the Evangelist Dublin, 1619-1699
  • The Registers of the Church of St. Michan, Dublin, 1636 – 1700
  • The Register of St. Nicholas Without, Dublin, 1694-1739
  • The Registers of St. Patrick, Dublin, 1677-1800
  • The Register of the Parish of Saint Peter and Saint Kevin, Dublin, 1669-1791

Source: Fagan, Patrick. “The Population of Dublin in the Eighteenth Century with Particular Reference to the Proportions of Protestants and Catholics.” Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris an Dá Chultúr, vol. 6, 1991, pp. 121–56