Search Nottinghamshire baptisms

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Discover if your British ancestors were born in the county of Nottinghamshire. Search more than 850,000 records dating from 1538 to 1980 and find out when they were born and who their parents were as well as what was their religious denomination.

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What can these records tell me?

Each record contains a transcript of the original parish registers. The amount of information varies but you can find out the following about your ancestors:

  • Name
  • Baptism date
  • Denomination
  • Church
  • Baptism place
  • Relationship
  • Father’s name
  • Father’s occupation
  • Mother’s name
  • Residence

Discover more about Nottinghamshire baptisms

These records are a combination of transcripts created by of the Nottinghamshire Family History Society and Julie Gerring.

Before civil registration was introduced in 1837 all birth, marriage and death records tend to be parish records. The Church of England mandated the keeping of registers from 1538 and until the Religious Toleration Act of 1689 other denominations also used the Church of England parishes for registration, with many choosing to continue this practice after 1689.

Nottinghamshire is in the east Midlands of England. A landlocked county, it is surrounded by South Yorkshire to the north-west, Lincolnshire to the east, Leicestershire to the south and Derbyshire to the west. The traditional county town is Nottingham.

The county lies on the Roman Fosse Way and was settled by the Romans. The Angles settled there around the 5th century and Nottingham became part of the Kingdom of Mercia. Until 1568 the county was united with Derbyshire for administrative purposes, under a single Sheriff.

During the Industrial Revolution coal and iron ore were mined and the cotton and lace industries grew in addition to the traditional industries of malting and wool.

The county also contains Sherwood Forest, famous as the hideout for the legendary Robin Hood and his Merry Men, whose sworn enemy was, of course, The Sheriff of Nottingham.

Among the well-known names you can find in these records is author DH Lawrence. Born David Herbert Richards Lawrence in 1855, his parents Arthur and Lydia had him baptised at the Anglican church of St Mary in Eastwood on 29 November 1885. Author of books including Women in Love, Sons and Lovers and The Rainbow, Lawrence’s best known work is Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Initially published in an edited version because of its sexual content, Lady Chatterley’s Lover ended up at the centre of an obscenity trial when Penguin published the full version in 1960.