Search Northumberland Baptisms

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Did your ancestors come from Northumberland? Discover your English heritage with this collection of baptism records. You can search both parish registers and bishop’s transcripts. We have brought together records from the College of Arms, Durham University Library and the Northumberland & Durham Family History Society.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Every result will give you a transcript, a typed list of the vital information found in the original parish registers or bishop’s transcripts. The amount of detail in each transcript can vary depending on the condition of the original record and the age of the record. Most transcripts will include the following facts:

  • Name
  • Birth year
  • Baptism date
  • Church
  • Denomination
  • Parish
  • County
  • Country
  • Relationship
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Repository

Records from the College of Arms will include an image. The College of Arms is the heraldic authority in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Commonwealth.

Discover more about these records

The Northumberland baptisms is a collection of created from parish registers and bishop’s transcripts created from material held by the Northumberland Record Office and Durham University Library. One contributor to this collection is the Northumberland & Durham Family History Society. You will also find records created by the College of Arms, the heraldic authority, recorded copies of parish registers in bound volumes.

Northumberland is a historic county in North East England. The county borders Scotland and the North Sea. A full list of all the parishes represented in this collection can be found in the Useful links and resources