Search Middlesex Baptisms

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    Do you have ancestors from Middlesex? Search this collection of baptism records to find out details such as birth year, baptism year, parents' names and residence.

    Learn about these records

    What can these records tell me?

    Each record includes transcribed details from an original record. While the amount of detail will vary from transcript to transcript most will include the following details:

    • Name
    • Birth date or age
    • Baptism date
    • Parish
    • Father's first name(s)
    • Mother's first name(s)
    • Father's occupation
    • Residence

    There are a small number of records which also include an image. These records were transcribed by Findmypast from records held by The National Archives (RG7 Series) and the College of Arms.

    Discover more about these records

    The Middlesex Baptism collection contains records from across the historic county. To find a full list of the parishes included please consult the Middlesex Baptisms Parish List available in Useful Links and Resources.

    The historic county Middlesex rests in southeast England. The county name originates from the 5th century when the Saxons colonised the region and gave it the name Middle Saxon. It is naturally bordered by the rivers Colne to the west, the Thames to the south and Lea to the east, then by a ridge of hills to the north known as Grim’s Ditch.

    It included parts of London, Surrey, and Hertfordshire. The county was largely agricultural, producing grain, hay and building materials. It became increasingly urbanised by the growing suburbs of London. In 1887 the county’s population was only second to Lancashire. Much of its population was concentrated in the London area.

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