Oregon Births & Baptisms 1868-1929

Search Oregon births & baptisms 1868-1929

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Explore birth and baptism records from the state of Oregon, dating from 1868 to 1929. Learn essential information about your family members, such as your ancestors’ places of birth.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

There are over 60,000 records in this index, and each includes a transcript for births and baptisms occurring in the state of Oregon. While the information for each person may vary, Oregon births & baptisms 1868-1929 typically provides:

  • First and last name
  • Birth year
  • Birth place
  • County
  • Residence
  • Parent’s name
  • Parent’s birth place
  • Race
  • Ethnicity

Discover more about Oregon births & baptisms 1868-1929

The records in Oregon births & baptisms 1868-1929 cover a wide range of births dating from just nine years after Oregon becoming the 33rd state in 1859. Oregon did not begin statewide registration of births until 1903, but many cities and counties had recorded this information from much earlier. Portland, for example, has birth records dating back to 1862. Oregon births & baptisms 1868-1929 also includes some records for those who were been born outside of the state but were then registered with Oregon authorities.

Use these records to discover new details to add to your family history and continue your research. You may also be able to find more information about your family in our other collections or in local Oregon newspapers.

Copyright statement

Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.

Batch & Film numbers

These record sets use batch and film numbers to indicate the source of the information.

Film numbers refer to materials found at the Family History Library. These individual microfilms often contain copies of original records from courthouses, churches and other repositories. To learn more about a specific film number, you can search the Family History Library Catalog on the FamilySearch website (see useful links).

Batch numbers refer to a set of records extracted from microfilms. Batches might be separated by a specific type of record (births, baptisms, marriages, burials etc.) and multiple film numbers could be included in a single batch number.

Findmypast displays a “People with the same last name on this source” function in order to help locate related records in the same film and/or batch. This function can also reveal the records for family members included in the same original source. For some records, this will uncover additional entries for the same individual but with slightly different information.

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