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Search for your ancestors in over 30 million genealogy records, from national censuses to niche local collections.

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    Find your family in our genealogy records

    Trace your family history through our millions of public records. Uncover stories of your ancestors’ daily lives and discover where they lived, worked and travelled.Learn about their milestone moments in birth, marriage and death records, get a snapshot of their lives in household census records or trace them on their travels in migration records. Learn about their professions, brushes with the law, or their military service – it’s all here in our archives.

    Learn about these records

    United Kingdom

    Discover your British ancestry today by searching through millions of records from England, Scotland and Wales. Findmypast are excited about our extensive collection created through partnerships with archives and family history societies. Search through the national census records and smaller unique census records like the Corfe Castle and District 1790 Census. Was your ancestor a trade union member? Find out through an examination of the Britain, Trade Union Membership Registers or explore other apprentice and employment records. Reveal if your ancestor was born in British India with the British India Office Births & Baptisms. We offer a substantial assortment of British military records, thousands of Welsh parish records in the Welsh collection and even school registers from Scotland. You can search our special collections such as the British India Office Collection or the Yorkshire Collection.


    Irish people have emigrated across the world and many are proud of the Irish ancestry. Findmypast are proud to have the largest collection of Irish records online. We have millions of records from across Ireland and Northern Ireland. Discover your Irish ancestors by searching Ireland’s earliest surviving census records, Ireland Census 1821-1851. Search for the black sheep of the family in the Irish Petty Sessions. We have a variety of unique records to help you find your family and break through those brick walls like the Ireland Dog Licence Registers which have over 6 million recorded names (and sometimes dogs). For those with ancestors from Ireland’s Western Seaboard, explore the Poverty Relief Loans 1821-1874. We also have a number of smaller parish records for example the Fermanagh Parish Registers Baptisms.

    United States & Canada

    Discover your American and Canadian ancestors by exploring thousands of records from both countries. As modern nations formed, in part, by large-scale immigration, passenger records are important for both American and Canadian family history. Did your ancestors travel to the New World from England? Perhaps they were passengers of the Mayflower in 1620. Or were they among the thousands of Irish immigrants who arrived in Canada and the United States during the Great Irish Famine? Search through a wide variety of records to help tell your family story such as Canadian vital records and military records or records of American Civil War prisoners. Use our directories and social histories to discover those hard-to-find ancestors.

    Australia & New Zealand

    Discover your ancestors from Australia and New Zealand through our extensive collection of records from both countries. Without the use of census records you can explore our electoral rolls like Victoria Electoral Rolls or New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1925 to find your ancestors. Expand your family tree through service records like the New Zealand Boer War Servicemen. Did your ancestor arrive in Australia as a convict? To find out, search the New South Wales Convict Arrivals. Or are you a descendant of a notable Australian found in Johns Notable Australians? Reveal your farming roots by searching the Brands Directory South Australia. Use these and so many more Australia and New Zealand records to uncover your ancestry today.