Education & Work


Record Set NameState/Province
Barristers and Solicitors, 1919All
Bench and Bar in the Early Days, London Ontario
Directory of the Biscuit and Cracker Bakers of the United States and the Dominion of Canada, 1885All
Foreign Consuls, 1919All
London Public Schools, 1848-1871 Ontario
McGill University at War, 1914-1918 and 1939-1945All
McGill University, Directory of Graduates. 1946 Quebec
Midland High School Review, Year Book, 1932 Ontario
Nationwide (1872 and 1894), Quebec (1853)All
Patents of Canada, 1824-1849All
Pioneer Politicians, London Ontario
Queens University Summer School Prospectus, 1943 Ontario
Roll of Pupils of Upper Canada College, Toronto, 1830-1916 Ontario
The Blue Book, Textile Directory, 1897-1898All
The Caradoc Academy Ontario
The London Grammar School and the Collegiate Institute Ontario
The Magnet (vol. 8, no. 1), Jarvis Collegiate Instiute Yearbook, 1926 Ontario
The War Book of Upper Canada College, Toronto, 1914-1919All
The Western University Ontario
Torontonensis - The year book of the University of Toronto (vol. 17), 1915 Ontario
Torontonensis - The year book of the University of Toronto (vol. 38), 1936 Ontario
University of Toronto Roll of Service, 1914-1918 Ontario
University of Toronto, Commencement Program, 1947 Ontario