Find your ancestors in New South Wales 1901 census

What can these records tell me?

Included in each result is a transcript and image of the original census document. The following details can be found on the transcripts:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Sex
  • Year
  • Location
  • District
  • Sub-district
  • County
  • State
  • Country
  • Series
  • Film number

By viewing the original images, you may be able to discover additional information, such as the number of individuals living in the same household, the number of residents who are Aboriginal or Chinese, and any remarks noted.

By using the previous and next buttons in the image viewer, you can flip through all the images from the original collector’s books. This includes summary pages, which provide statistical breakdowns of sub-districts.

Discover more about these records

These records are from the State Records Authority of New South Wales series NRS 685, film numbers 1007-1211.

Appointed collectors, who were assigned by district, took the first census in November of 1828. Printed forms were completed by hand with the returns being checked by magistrates who then sent them on to the Colonial Secretary’s Office.

While censuses were conducted in 1833, 1841, 1846, 1851, 1861, and every ten years up to 1901, records only from the 1841, 1891, and 1901 censuses survive today.

The 1901 census was performed on 31 March 1901. The sole records that have survived from this census are the Collectors’ Books for household returns.

Collectors’ Books are organized alphabetically by district. Sub-districts are assigned a number or letter and laid out chronologically within a given district.

Search tips

Navigating the records

  • Use the previous and next buttons on the side of the image viewer to peruse the entirety of the Collectors’ Books.

Finding your ancestor

  • If you are having trouble finding your ancestor, try searching by the first initial of your ancestor’s first name along with your ancestor’s last name. Often times the first name was not spelled out in full.