Find your ancestors in Search the 1850 US Census
- 1850 US Census Date: (All reported data is “as of” this official date chosen by the census agency)
- June 1, 1850
- 1850 Census Duration:
- 5 months
- 1850 US Census Population:
- 23,191,876
- President During 1850 Census:
- Millard Fillmore (succeeded Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850)
1850 US Census 7th United States Census
Information requested for the 1850 Census
- Number of dwelling and number of family (in order visited)
- Name
- Relationship to head of household
- Race, Sex, Age
- Marital Status
- State or country of birth
- Value of real estate
- Blind, deaf or dumb?
- If over 20 can you read or write?
- What was this person doing most of last week – Working, Keeping house or something else, and for how many hours and class of worker
- Name of owner
- Number of slave (slaves were assigned numbers not names
- Age, Sex, Color
- Blind, deaf, dumb, insane or idiotic?
- Number of uncaught escaped slaves
- Number of slaves freed from bondage
- Supplemental questions: Additional questions were asked regarding level of education, military service, how much money was made and marriage and child birth history.
Population (slave inhabitants):
What was lost from the 1850 Census?
No major loss of records
1850 Census Quick Facts
- 1850 was the first census in which free persons were listed individually and the first census with separate questionnaires for slaves.
- It took $1,423,000, approximately 3,231 enumerators and 2,165 published reports to complete the 1850 census
- The US population increased by 35.9 percent from the 1840 census to the 1850 census.
Historical Events Surrounding 1850 Census
- September 8, 1850: the Fugitive Slave Act was created providing for the return of slaves brought to free states.
- February 28, 1854: The republican party was founded.
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe was published in 1852