
Index to Wills proved in the Consistory Court of Carlise, 1661-1750

British Record Society Volume 110

Published 1998

Read the Original Introduction to this volume.

Locating the original documents

Where are the originals held?

The original wills are deposited at Cumbria Archive Service (Carlisle Office). To purchase a copy of the will contact Cumbria Archive Service (Carlisle Office) by letter, fax or e-mail, giving full details and references and source i.e. BRS. A detailed quotation of cost etc will be sent to you.

What information from the document do I need to locate the original?

  • Testator's name
  • Place of Residence
  • Year of will or admon
  • Register
  • Folio

About the index

This is a complete index of testators compiled from the surviving original wills, registered copy wills, administrations, original bonds and inventories and other related documents for the Consistory Court of Carlisle, 1661-1750.

The Consistory Court of Carlisle had jurisdiction over the major part of the old county of Cumberland and the northern half of Westmorland (now Cumbria).

What does the index include?

  • All names and places appearing in the will plus incidental information such as occupation where found in the original documents are included in the index.
  • Name
  • Residence
  • Occupation
  • Status
  • Year
  • Volume and Folio number


1. In list of individuals

Abbreviation Meaning
AAdministration bond
TTuition bond
DocDocker, Peculiar of, near Kendal
RavRavenstonedale, Peculiar of
TernTemple Sowerby, Peculiar of