Discover if your ancestor fell on hard times and received help from the parish officers in a London parish. Search 22,344 records to find names and relatives, as well as details of what help they received and why they needed help.
The London Poor Law Records, 1581-1899 were compiled by genealogist Cliff Webb, who summarised the genealogically useful information from the Poor Law records of 66 London parishes between 1978 and 1993. There are 22,344 records from seven volumes, originally held in the Guildhall Library, London, but now deposited at the London Metropolitan Archives.
Abbreviations | Meaning / Name |
A | |
A | admitted |
AA | St Anne & St Agnes |
Abr | Abraham |
A/c | account |
adm | admitted |
AI | apprenticeship indenture |
Alex | Alexander |
Alf | Alfred |
Andr | Andrew |
Anth | Anthony |
app(r) | apprentice(ship) |
AR | at his (her) own request |
B | |
b or bach | bachelor |
B | Bastard |
BB | Bastardy bond |
Benj | Benjamin |
BI | Bond of indemnity |
Bot | Botolph |
BP | St Benet |
BX | Bastardy examination |
C | |
c | child |
C | Casualty |
Cath | Catherine |
Chas | Charles |
ch | children |
cit | citizen (freeman of London) |
Cripp | Cripplegate |
D | |
d | died |
D | discharged |
dau | daughter |
decd | deceased |
dh | died in the house |
DH | discharged himself (herself) |
dis | discharged |
DOR | discharged at his (her) own request |
E | |
Edw | Edward |
Eliz | Elizabeth |
Esth | Esther |
ex | examination |
F | |
F | Foundling |
fam | family |
fr | from |
Fred | Frederick |
G | |
GH | gone to the Hospital |
Geo | George |
GS | gone to service |
H | |
h | husband |
H | housewifery |
H | Hospital |
Han | Hannah |
HS | hired servant (to) |
HS | household servant |
hse | house |
HW | household work |
Hy | Henry |
HYS | hired yearly servant (to) |
I | |
ind | indenture |
J | |
Jas | James |
Jn | John |
Jos | Joseph |
Jr | junior |
JZ | St John Zachary |
K | |
Kath | Katherine |
L | |
lab | labourer |
Lib | Liberty |
M | |
Mat | Mathew |
MG | St Martin le Grand |
Mgt | Margaret |
mos | months |
MSP | Militia Substitution Paper |
My | Mary |
N | |
Nath | Nathaniel |
Nich | Nicholas |
np | no parents |
NTBF | Not to be found |
O | |
occ | occupied |
OR | at own request |
otp | of this parish |
o/w | otherwise |
P | |
PP | St Peter |
prec | precinct |
R | |
R | run away |
readm | readmitted |
recd | recieved |
rect | receipt |
RH | returned from the Hospital |
Ric | Richard |
RO | Removal Order |
Rob | Robert |
S | |
Sam | Samuel |
Sar | Sarah |
SC | Settlement Certificate |
sd | said |
serv | servant |
sett | settlement |
SH | sent to Hospital |
sig | signed |
sp | spinster |
Sr | senior |
Steph | Stephen |
Sus | Susan(na) |
S'wark | Southwark |
SX | settlement examination |
T | |
T.H.M. | Tower Hamlets Militia |
Tho | Thomas |
Tim | Timothy |
TO | taken out |
tp | this parish |
V | |
vict | victualler |
VRO | Removal order of a vagrant / vagabond |
W | |
w | wife |
W'chapel | Whitechapel |
WH | workhouse |
wid | widow(er) |
wit | witness(es) |
wk | well known (or 'several' or 'many' times in the house) |
WL | without leave |
Wm | William |
WO | went out of (the) house |
W.R.L. | Royal West Regiment of London Militia |
X | |
(X) | mark of |
Y | |
y | years |
YHS | yearly hired servant (to) |
YS | yearly servant (to) |