Find your ancestors in Queensland, Mackay, Funeral notices and funeral director records

What can these records tell me?

This collection comprises funeral notices from Melrose & Fenwick (1955-1984), indexes to funeral notices from the local newspaper the Daily Mercury (1984 to 2012), and Mackay funeral directors’ records.

Transcripts included in this collection may provide the following details:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Birth date
  • Death year
  • Death date
  • Burial year
  • Burial date
  • Place, state, country
  • Dataset
  • Book and page number

Discover more about these records

This collection is broken up into three sets:

Queensland, Mackay funeral directors records

  • These indexes comprise records held by the local funeral parlour (Mackay Funerals) and include name, age, and funeral date. You may be able to obtain additional information from the Mackay Family History Society at a small cost, which might include such details as death date, funeral order date, who ordered the funeral, cause of death, doctor’s name, death place, family members, funeral cost, burial place, plot number, whether an inquest was held, and type of coffin.

Queensland, Mackay, Melrose & Fenwick funeral notices 1955-1984

  • These indexes comprise funeral notices from the *Daily Mercury*, a local newspaper, from 1955 to 1984. You can discover your ancestor’s name, sex, burial year and date, and place in these records. You may uncover additional information such as age, family members, address, and burial location from the Mackay Family History Society for a small fee.

Queensland, Mackay, Townson indexes funeral notices

  • These indexes come from the *Daily Mercury*, a local newspaper, for the years 1984 to 2012. You may learn the following information about your ancestor: name, sex, age, birth year, death year and date, burial year and date, and place. Additional information such as address, burial place, and family members may be obtained from the Mackay Family History Society for a small fee.

You can narrow your search by any one of these sets by selecting the respective title under dataset on the search screen.